I'm Dr Deborah Nixdorf ND, LAc
I am a Naturopathic Doctor and Licensed Acupuncturist with 17 years of experience. My passion lies in creating & holding a safe healing space for individuals to come as they are and become who they are meant to be by empowering individuals to reach their full health potential to thrive and feel alive. I practice from a place of compassion, acceptance and non-judgement in order to look deep and unlock areas of hinderance. By being completely present and actively listening my understand of individuals on a deeper level allows me to better guide them on their healing journey.
My Story
Dr. Deborah Nixdorf, ND, LAc.
Naturopathic Doctor & Acupuncturist
Dr. Deborah Nixdorf is a Naturopathic Doctor, Licensed Acupuncturist and owner of Asheville Natural Medicine. She enjoys helping people in the areas of Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Gastroenterology, Autoimmunity, & Women’s Health. After completing her undergraduate degree in Biology & Chemistry from Guilford College, she completed a one year residency and received her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and Masters in Chinese Oriental Medicine (2006) from the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon, the oldest accredited naturopathic medical university in North America. Dr. Deborah Nixdorf has had additional experience and training working with Biotherapeutic Drainage, Bowen Therapy and Acupuncture. She is the past owner of Corvallis Natural Medicine, Inc. in Corvallis, Oregon (2009 - 2019) and co-founded a monthly volunteer clinic for farmworkers. She has also worked with an integrated volunteer medical team internationally. She is bilingual speaking English/Spanish. She recently relocated to Asheville, NC to be closer to her family.
From East to West Locally serving: Asheville NC & Corvallis, OR
(f) 828 - 554-0783